Disabling TextMate’s auto-open of previous projects
defaults write -app TextMate OakDisableSessionRestore 1
defaults write -app TextMate OakDisableSessionRestore 1
Create scripts/test_action.php in your LVC app:
Just be aware you’re running things from the command line, and the usual caveats with respect to running PHP CLI apply (superglobals, etc).
There’s no massop command in Colloquy, so here’s a javascript plugin that does it.
Copy/paste the following as whatever.js in your ~/Application Support/Colloquy/PlugIns/ directory:
function opNick(nick, connection, view) { connection.sendRawMessage("MODE " + view.target() + " +o " + nick); } function massOp(connection, view) { var members = view.chatMembers(); var len = members.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (!members[i].operator()) { opNick(members[i].nickname(), connection, view); } } return false; } // process the command and return true if you handle it or false to pass on to another plugin function processUserCommand( command, arguments, connection, view ) { // return true if the command was handled or to prevent other plugins or Colloquy from handling it if (command == 'mop') { massOp(connection, view); return true; } return false; } |
PHP Warning: mysqli_stmt_bind_result(): Server returned unknown type 255. Probably your client library is incompatible with the server version you use!
Probably means you’re selecting a geometry type without calling AsText on it.
Instead of
SELECT place.location_point FROM place WHERE place.place_id = ? |
SELECT AsText(place.location_point) FROM place WHERE place.place_id |
Supposedly this is fixed in PHP 5.3. That isn’t really useful information, nor is the snotty svn commit message to use mysqlnd.
See: http://www.mail-archive.com/php-bugs@lists.php.net/msg127837.html
I do most of my code editing in TextMate in OSX.
However my current code environment consists of a CentOS VM running under parallels.
I have my linux home directory mounted via SMB in OSX, but I like to do a lot of poking around on the files from the shell on the VM.
So, here’s a shell script to let me open files in TextMate from the VM:
#!/bin/tcsh set f="`pwd`/$*" set f="$f:s./home/pistole./Volumes/pistole/." ssh wrath open -a /Applications/TextMate.app "$f" |
In this tutorial, we continue to create an MVC application using the bare LightVC and CoughPHP distributions, focusing on Controllers and Views in LighVC.
For this tutorial, you will need to have the skeleton application created in the previous article on combining CoughPHP and LightVC, as well as our database table and generated CoughPHP code.
In this tutorial, we continue to create an MVC application using the bare LightVC and CoughPHP distributions, focusing on creating working cough model classes and using them in the application, as well as best practices for different deployment environment files for LightVC applications, CoughPHP generation config, and suggested db schema patterns.
For this tutorial, you will need to have the skeleton application created in the previous article on combining CoughPHP and LightVC, as well as a working installation of MySQL. Installing and configuring MySQL is outside the scope of this tutorial, but there are many pre-packaged versions available.
Welcome to my personal blog, blog.rhp.org. This blog will be kept updated with my musings on technology, programming tutorials and other randomness.
First up will be a series of articles detailing how to make a simple content management system in PHP using LightVC and CoughPHP, lightweight VC and ORM frameworks the combine to create a simple and powerful MVC solution.