Everyone Hates PowerPoint, so Why Do We Use it?

September 23, 2016

PowerPoint is dumb Slides are the worst way to engage an audience But they are low effort People often think in bullet points and slides are conducive towards that Slide decks are pre-organized notes that can be given out after the fact So you don’t have to pay attention Building a slide deck signals, “I […]

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Monolith First?

June 3, 2015

Martin Fowler has written an article about Microservice design, which hits home with me: MonolithFirst This pattern has led many of my colleagues to argue that you shouldn’t start a new project with microservices, even if you’re sure your application will be big enough to make it worthwhile. .   I am becoming more and […]

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My Daily Work Log Template

May 22, 2015

I keep a daily work log adapted from a template I got years ago at a job. It’s useful for me, to be able to look back at what I was working on as well as a convenient place to keep notes. It can be useful to keep yourself honest, as well as a place […]

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Sublime Text and Cygwin

May 21, 2015

Quickie shell script to use sublime as your editor in cygwin Create ~/bin/subl #!/bin/bash /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/Sublime\ Text\ 3/subl.exe cygpath -wa “$*” You may want to add the -w flag if you want to use it as your commit message editor for git/svn/hg/etc, which will cause it to wait until you save and close the file […]

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VCVars for Cygwin and Visual Studio 2013

May 20, 2015

I’m a unixy guy working on a .NET codebase, and while I can’t get away from Visual Studio completely, I do like to be able to run msbuild from a cygwin shell. Converting the MS supplied VCVARS.BAT file to something bash could understand was a bit of a PITA and I don’t want to have […]

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14 Principles of a Software Architect in an Agile Environment

May 19, 2015

Facilitate rather than dictate architecture Negotiate for the reduction of technical debt Lead by example Embrace emergent design Refactor relentlessly, harvesting application idiomatic patterns Design with the expectation of change Extract Embedded Frameworks Make design choices at the last responsible moment Do not try to predict the future Rely on tightly coupled team discussions to […]

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Currently Reading

May 19, 2015

xUnit Test Patterns: Refactoring Test Code

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Disabling TextMate’s auto-open of previous projects

March 26, 2011

defaults write -app TextMate OakDisableSessionRestore 1

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Quickie: Running a Controller action from a script in LightVC

September 29, 2010

Create scripts/test_action.php in your LVC app: http://pastie.org/1190014 Excitin’. Just be aware you’re running things from the command line, and the usual caveats with respect to running PHP CLI apply (superglobals, etc).

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Mass-op plugin for Colloquy

August 29, 2010

There’s no massop command in Colloquy, so here’s a javascript plugin that does it. Copy/paste the following as whatever.js in your ~/Application Support/Colloquy/PlugIns/ directory: function opNick(nick, connection, view) { connection.sendRawMessage("MODE " + view.target() + " +o " + nick); }   function massOp(connection, view) { var members = view.chatMembers(); var len = members.length;   for […]